A bridge is lacked between benefactor and the children that need a help.
He came, as a benefactor, to relieve man of trouble, to supply his wants.
他以恩人的身份来到, 解除人类的烦恼, 实现他的愿望。
The benefactor had spent a lot of money to build more than ten hospitals.
He is a great benefactor to this company, thus receives favourable treatment.
Fellow, Major Donor, Bequest Society Member, and Benefactor to the Foundation.
They will be Chengdu people's benefactor, Chengdu people will never forget them.
An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the money of the consolation prize.
一个匿名的捐献者站了出来, 为安慰奖提供了奖金。
DU teacher is my benefactor, I can not find words to express my gratitude to him.
Meanwhile, the cats discover that the local benefactor is in fact rather a scoundrel.
A kindly benefactor, he is admired and enjoyed by everyone who makes his acquaintance.
他是个乐善好施的大好人, 认识他的人各个都赞赏与喜爱他。
Harvard College was founded in 1636 and was named for John Harvard, its first benefactor.
哈佛大学成立于1636年, 命名为约翰哈佛, 它的第一个捐助者。
Your gratitude should have rendered you incapable of such conduct towards your benefactor.
Those who confer benefits should not sneer others I dont like my benefactor to laugh at me.
A Controlling Analysis of Benefactor of Unfair Phenomenon in Reward Management by Games Theory.
Because the cash prize, courtesy of a generous benefactor, was a 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note.
To use part of his fortune for the benefit of others, makes him a great benefactor in many, many areas.
他将部分财富用于为他人谋福利, 成为许多领域的捐助者。
You've deluded yourself into thinking that you're some sort of benefactor bringing books to the masses.
This shows that Pip began to care about the safety of the benefactor, and affection of the benefactor produced.
Prada skipper and helmsman Francesco de Angelis, a benefactor of Bertelli's offer, feels Europe's time has come.
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捐助人学校董事会, 教育委员会商业会计