The stability and security of authoritarian regimes cannot create but terrorism and violence and destruction.
专制统治的稳定 与安全 只会 导致恐怖主义,暴力与破坏
Even authoritarian Vietnam is increasingly allowing broadcasts in the languages of its small ethnic minorities.
Was the Soviet Union under Leonid Brezhnev really just an authoritarian regime, rather than a totalitarian one.
Abstracting and generalizing such a system, the author thinks it is a transitional authoritarian reigning system.
or whether there's an authoritarian political culture in which the state is supposed to impose things on the citizens.
或者 是否存在着 国家把意识强加于人民的集权政治文化
Analyses on the Disintegration of the Authoritarian of Medieval England and its Influence on the Formation of Nation State in England