The Borrower acquires the loan by way of providing fake evidentiary material to the Lender.
Britain gained this reprieve because it has some things going for it as a sovereign borrower.
The borrower offers the holder a guaranteed redemption price if the warrant is not exercised.
Article 205 Time of Interest Payment The borrower shall pay the interest at the prescribed time.
Interest rates are fixed rate where the borrower is oblige to pay through out the term of the loan.
When bonds are issued at a premium, the borrower pays back less than the amount originally borrowed.
当债券溢价发行时, 借款者偿还的金额少于最初的借入金额。
The Borrower fails to pay any amount payable thereunder as and when such amount shall become payable.
Article 206 Time of Principal Repayment The borrower shall repay the principal at the prescribed time.
An important feature of commercial secured loans is that the borrower needs to put a security against the loan.
Invitation for bid shall be advertised in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the borrower s country.
Inclusive of all debt obligations of the borrower, and any rental payments that the borrower have to make during the construction period.
以上信息相信是正确的, 但并不详尽, 仅供参考。