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单词 equipoise 例句大全,用单词equipoise造句:

We have reached a kind of equipoise.
我们已经达到了 某个平衡点。
to equipoise the opposite interests of the two countries
Are we at some kind of evolutionary equipoise as a species?
Keep the equipoise, bruit the evangel。The other power, the system of interior.
维持着平衡, 散播着福音。这是另一种力量, 一种内政的秩序。
2 judgment. that equipoise, that nice adjustment of the faculties one to the other, which is called good judgment, is an essential to the speculator.
判断。平衡力, 判断的能力, 都叫优秀的判断, 这对投机者很关键。

单词 equipoise 释义



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