Taxation, which is bound to escalate, will take up even more judicial time and resources.
You feel frenzy and anxious, which can induce a nailbiting franzy that can escalate into.
It has been apparent for some time that unrest would escalate and bring about their downfall.
这段时间一直很明显, 动荡将逐步升级, 随后衰末。
This would eventually escalate to the snowman cavorting with women and offering drinks to minors.
这使雪人最终堕落到调戏妇女, 给未成年人饮酒的境地。
Father, We Dont Need To Escalate, You See, War Is Not The Answer, For Only Love Can Conquer Hate.
Both countries conducted naval drills, a sign that the dispute had the potential escalate further.
The more they escalate the war, the heavier will be their fall and the more disastrous their defeat.
战争越是升级, 它摔得也就越重, 失败得也就越惨。
Furthermore, many predict these numbers will continue to escalate dramatically over the next 20 years.
The two sides have been at a standoff for four days now and some fear the confrontation could escalate.
Ask the customer if they are attempting to reactivate the product. If the answer is believed, escalate.
Spin metallurgy, chemical industry, gently, the advantage escalate of the industry such as the electron.
冶金, 化工, 轻纺, 电子等行业的优势逐步增强。
Rogue Drone escalating path dungeons should now escalate appropriately instead of not escalating at all.
Bibcock industry measure increases, drive ability escalate, interest mechanism is ceaseless and perfect.
Disputes concerning blockades and neutral trade could escalate into ugly confrontations with neutral states.
The Israeli air force has been dropping leaflets throughout Gaza, saying it plans to escalate its offensive.
以色列空军在加沙地带散发传单, 说他计划升级进攻。
Escalate issues to a higher level where issue resolution is not achieved within a reasonable amount of time.
The environment is suitable for use to school assignment big, escalate may carry out longrange upkeep together.
Achieve starting point tall, agriculture produces an environment to get ameliorative, develop aftereffect escalate.
When Beatrixs lover Mathieu shows up, and Marcs old flame appears, complications escalate and the vacation collapses into hilarious chaos.
Many people believed according to the video recording that Lin Songling according to was not several times bountiful, causes the conflict escalate.
许多人据录像认为, 林松岭数次不依不饶, 导致冲突逐步升级。