As a result of any of these problems, the encoder will cease to operate or the system will operate erratically.
The angular measurement error includes the errors caused by angle encoder, torsion vibration of the crankshaft.
This paper studies the application of incremental optical electrical encoder to the bent tube measuring machine.
研究增量式光电编码器 在弯管测量机上的应用。
The Options dialog lets you choose encoder options like the preset, which determines compression efficiency, encoding and decoding speed.
该选项对话框可以让你设置编码选项, 如选择预设值。
Okay, so I just want to take a sentence or two to say something about the encoder and what it's doing, because it's really the key part and it's.
下面 我简略说一下 编码器的功能 因为这真的是个关键部分