Similar sets of figures have been reported for boys, albeit with a delay of around a year.
Since then, the level had stabilised and was now declining, albeit slowly, Dr Fraser said.
直到2000年以后, 氯气含量才停止增加并呈现缓慢下降的趋势。
But, there are some,albeit a small number in my opinion, who have expressed contrary views.
The overall economy, though, continues to chug along at a steady, albeit more modest, pace.
I reckon the next round of security measures will call for a dress code albeit the wrong kind.
Now, albeit in a roundabout way, one of his outlandish fantasies is about to become a reality.
The Monterrey process has been a process of convergence, albeit one that is far from complete.
There are many more, albeit syntactically correct, unfortunate ways to arrange the information.
Subsequent developments, albeit in the context of treaty interpretation, have confirmed this trend.
Some eggs in mice without the protein survived, albeit damaged, allowing the females to become pregnant.
But it hadnt gone away it is still there, albeit for a while suppressed into the deepest recesses of my mind.
然而它没有走开, 它还在那里, 缘于它埋藏在脑海中的最深处。
Blue night sky, the white one, the whole world like the girl dressed in a white veil, albeit not very clearly.
因此, 当导师进入这种状态, 他通常带上一副面罩。
She suddenly, albeit temporarily, lost all memory of the last several years and the ability to form new memories.
她突然失去了近几年的记忆, 并且无法记住现在的事情。
Sending a personal letter, albeit often personalized by the careful use of a word processor, may defuse an awkward situation.
Twenty percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. For them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one.