Moreover, Shylock the barbarian is in the end forcefully assimilated into the clearly superior culture.
此外, 夏洛克野蛮人是最后有力地明显优于文化所同化。
Ground Stomp is footstomping skill, stuns and knocks back monsters in a small radius around the barbarian.
Consequently, education and religion working side by side can transform a barbarian into a civilized person.
因此, 教育和宗教相辅相成, 能够将野蛮人蜕变为文明人。
17a. Tactics cards add one to the strength of the corresponding barbarian tribe, then discard the tactics card.
战术牌, 为该野蛮人即时增加1点军力, 并弃掉该牌。
There used to have many barbarian tribes in the Central Plains, but they have been assimilated by the Han people now.
India and the Hellenic League have been added to the campaign, and you can now play as Persia and the Barbarian factions.
印度与希腊联盟已加入会战, 现在可以选择波斯或蛮族部落。
Kratos uses these to weapons to decapitate the barbarian that would surely have killed him if he hadnt called Ares for aid.