The growing acknowledgment of the company is new the consideration of old client!
I record here my warmest acknowledgment, acknowledgements to him for his permission.
They understand for no oil , oil, an acknowledgment of rainy enemy will encountered.
他们理解为没有油, 大敌临头, 会有不测的遭遇。
The benefit to the donor was an acknowledgment of the donation in a printed bulletin.
The nymph, now changed into a Laurel tree, bowed its head in grateful acknowledgment.
She did at last extort from her father an acknowledgment that the horses were engaged.
Homage was accordingly the acknowledgment of the bond of tenure between lord and tenant.
It was true, acknowledgment in most cases of affronts was counted reparation sufficient.
It leaves little room for interdependence or an acknowledgment of individual fallibility.
这种典范忽略了相互独立 以及对个人过失的承认。
That specifies the administration queue used for systemgenerated acknowledgment messages.
It was true, acknowledgment in most cases of affronts was counted reparation sufficients.
I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of my application for the position of accountant.
It was an acknowledgment of defeat and would almost surely lead to a lessening of his power.
Property specifies the type of acknowledgment messages to return to the sending application.
With the acknowledgment and acceptance of the facts also comes a degree of freedom from them.
The act of expressing joy or acknowledgment, as for the achievement or good fortune of another.
Is this just a show? Or is this really one big shot's way of expressing sincere acknowledgment?
Acknowledgment will be sent to the applicant organisation after receipt of an application by EPD.
What is this but the acknowledgment that the slave is a moral, intellectual, and responsible being
这不正说明了奴隶是有道德, 有理智, 有责任的人吗?
We wish to inform you that uptothisdate we do not appear to have received any acknowledgment from you.
我们希望告知你行, 至今我们仍未收到你行收悉的消息。
There does at least seem to be some official acknowledgment that the current situation is unacceptable.
至少官方开始承认, 目前的做法是不可接受的。
He expresses condolatory and cordial acknowledgment to the cadre worker on behalf of the State Council.
After the competition ended, Lindane respected the military salute acknowledgment to the entire audience.
When these eyes beam tbeneficiary lightning the dark clouds in your breast accomplish bitter acknowledgment.
It is a declaration of release from the belief in idols. It is your acknowledgment of the truth about yourself.
这是你弃绝偶像的宣言, 也是你对自己的真相之认可。